Now how many of us have cluttered refrigerators---you know pictures, drawings, mail, reminders, post-its etc everywhere. When everything has a designated place in your home you can eliminate this clutter. First of all, mail and other important correspondences should have a designated file somewhere in your home (filling cabinet). I will later post a blog about different ways to file your important papers.
The front of the fridge should have the most important, go-to info that you need daily. Below is a picture of the way I designed my fridge. I use a magnetic dry erase calendar purchased from the Container Store. The calendar is not prefilled so you only have one "page" that you fill in the current month's info on. I bought it for $16.99.
I then have a small white board that I attached to the fridge as well, so all those important reminders I have just get written on the board instead of affixed them to the fridge with magnets. You can attach the white board using magnetic tape, or adhesive Velcro strips. The white board cost me around $8.99. Also purchased at the container store.
Then I bought a magnetic pocket (also bought at the Container Store) for $4.99. That is where I keep my dry erase markers, dry eraser, and a pen and post-its. I use a small magnetic pocket, but they come in a variety of sizes.
My grocery list is also a magnetic pad--you can buy a pre-made grocery pad like I use (Container Store), or just buy plain pad of paper (dollar store or any office supply store), and affix an adhesive magnetic strip to the back, and you have a grocery list that is easy to access! I prefer to write mine on paper rather than on the white board because I need to take the list with me when I am at the store. If I write it on the white board, I either have to try to remember what I wrote, or I have to write it again on a piece of paper before I go to the store (why do twice as much work?)
I try to keep most papers off the fridge, but sometimes it is necessary to have a couple of things. For example, I have a running project list on my fridge (my getting prepared for the baby checklist), and I have an envelope on my fridge because it has contents that I need to bring to my mom when I see her next, and I don't want to forget about it! If you have papers I recommend using magnetic clips rather than standard magnets. This allows you to hold more than one piece of paper/heavier items.
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